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Kunst am Bau - Campus Looren "Kaleidophon" by Sonja Feldmeier
Project Type
June 2015 - December 2020
Witikon, Zürich
Conception, planning, composition, recording, production and implementation of a redesigned school signal for the entire school campus Looren in Witikon, Zurich.
In artistic collaboration with renowned multimedia artist Sonja Feldmeier, wel helped conceptualize, plan, produce and implement a new school signal. Together with students of the Looren school we recorded sounds from the school area and combined them into a rededsigned school bell, to which the children contributed cheerfully.
The project launched in 2015 and took quite some time to complete because the school building had to be partially reconstructed, before the new sound and speaker system for the school bell could be implemented. The school management allowed three classes to take part in the project and help us record unique sounds and audio textures, which were then used to design to new school bell. We recorded sounds in the classrooms, in the gym and outside as well.
Each of the 6 school buildings on the campus was given its own acoustic identity, and together they form the new school bell. It can only be heard on site, the school bell rings up to 18 times a day, signalling the beginning and end of classes.
Special thanks to:
Sonja Feldmeier: Artist
Carina Walter: Harp
Dominique Gfeller: Recording Assistant
Alexander Engeler: Project Manager, g+m electronic ag
School Management Looren
All children and teachers who participated in creating the sounds